A mining pool is a joint group of cryptocurrency miners who combine their computational resources over a network to strengthen the probability of finding a block or otherwise successfully mining for cryptocurrency.
This page contains a non-exhaustive list of pools that support Ethereum Classic.
The most popular pools have been highlighted below to help you narrow down your search. You can find live updates about the size of each mining pool in the Network Monitors section. If a pool is nearing 30% of total network hashrate consider pointing your hashrate to a different pool to help decentralize the network's mining hashrate. Some large miners spread their hashrate over multiple pools to help in these efforts. As the network continues to grow, we should see hashrate spread out over many pools as pool fees become more competitive to attract miner hashrate.
2MinersAltPoolAntPoolBaikalMineBAYPOOLBeepoolBinance PoolBTC.comBWPoolClonaCominersCominingCoolPoolCrazyPoolCruxpoolDigiPoolsE4PoolEMCDETC Mining ClubETC-POOLETCMC Monitor PoolETCPool.usEthermineEZilf2poolFlexpoolHashBlueHashCityHellominerHeroMinersHiveonHuobiPoolICanMiningK1PoolKryptexPoolLongpoolMaxHashMinerGateMole PoolMyMinersNanopoolOKMINEROpen ETC PoolPearpoolProhashingRICHPOOLRoci MiningRuPoolSoloPoolua-miningViaBTCWattpoolWhalesburgWoolyPoolyXnPoolYu-TamZergpoolŻET